Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Give Me Lauren Moshi or Give Me Death!

Sometimes a designer just grabs your attention, and captures your interests in the creations they put on the market. To me, that designer is brother sister design duo Lauren Moshi. Their wild kingdom prints just make me...wild. I was one of those kids who always loved taking trips to the San Diego Wild Animal Park and San Diego Zoo. In fact, I still love outings to those very places. It’s a trip that gives you a free pass to wear ratty flip flops and an embarrassing fanny pack with wild abandonment. A time to toss all fashion sense to the wind and just have a good time. Perhaps this is why Lauren Moshi means so much to me. They conjure up memories of fun, fabulousness, and...flamingos!

I suppose I have to thank Lauren Conrad for my discovery of Lauren Moshi’s designs. If it weren’t for me seeing her wearing that gray elephant tank a mere two months ago, I may have missed this wonder. Since then I have followed her work, and realized that many of the clothes draped upon various celebrities that I was admiring over the past few months were made by none other than Lauren Moshi herself. For instance, the little swing dresses. The roaring tiger tees. The sophisticated seahorse hoodies. Even the thorny rose tank.

There's just something so cheery. So delightful. So...animalistic about her designs - even the ones that just depict headband-wearing hippies, and metallic motorcycles. Forgive me for being dramatic, but...give me Lauren Moshi or give me death!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Chic Today, and Singer 22 for the pictures.

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